Thursday, May 21, 2009

New work called Using Water (press to read about the Royal Flush)

Here are some images from the last animation I put together on the issue concerning the use of reclaimed water or recycled water in toilets instead of fresh water. I call the movement putting and end to the Royal Flush.

Fresh water flows into a tank

waste water flows to a treatment plant

The city uses the reclaimed water for various purposes but not for reusing in our toilets.

The Fresh water saved by using reclaimed water is exponential.

Go to The Royal Flush to learn more

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mac endorses Hillary Clinton!

Hillary Clinton has the better platform. Hillary can run the John Edwars platform and her opponents' very well. Hillary is ready to get to work, creatuve, striaght out f the box.

Parody of Mac ad. P.C or John McCain is having problems getting started because the Bible Belt is weighing on his back.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Get Your Free Super Tuesday Gif Animations

It's Super Tuesday! Don't Forget to get your Free Animated Gif. Just drag it on to your desktop.

Yes Folks There Off and running don't get cought without an animated gif

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Together ! or Not?

I designed this image to illustrate the divisiveness internal to the democratic party which eventually could cost them a Presidential Election.

Press the title to read the article

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

CNN Republican debate

These are images from my entry question for the CNN
YouTube Republican Debate on November 28th, 2007.
The Hypothetical, Animation asks the Question:
"Once the issue of Security has been dealt with, How long
should people wait in the proverbial "line" that Lou Dobbs
and friends are obsessed with: One month, two months, a year, five, ten, fifteen, years; what is reasonable?

Press the Title to see the Animation

Monday, October 22, 2007

Party Punk Pegs

Images from the Animation Party Punk Pegs by Rafael Buelna (press link or title)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What is news?

Art work by Rafael Buelna

Press the Title To read the Article


Thank you for taking the time to view my latest work or read my latest thought.

Art work by Rafael Buelna (All Rights Reserved)

Joe Rogan V Carlos Mencia