Monday, April 2, 2007

YouTube And Election 2008

By Rafael Buelna April 2007

The Next election will be heavily discussed on the web and that news, I'm sure, is nothing new to most people.

There is, however, a new metamorphose occurring to the Arts and Crafts movement which is an art concept or idea that started over a century ago. The change is occurring on the web but especially on sites like YouTube, Myspace, etc. These are web sites where an individual is able to comment on issues using traditional means like a written posted comment but what is new are the audio and visual alternatives. Individuals can respond to what they read, see or hear using a variety of mediums and immediately. These alternatives are proving to be very seductive and are affecting politics. The Arts and Crafts movement was a response by individuals to the industrial revolution or industrialization. Many people, tired of machine made things, felt a disconnection between themselves and the objects they owned and so turned to creating hand made but professionally crafted art work and goods. Likewise dissatisfaction with the current media and feeling disconnected is motivating individuals to get their own hands dirty and create digital, visual media of their own.

It is true that in the United States the Arts and Crafts movement is mostly remembered for the beautiful homes left behind called the American Craftsman or Craftsmen Style but the rest of the world had a very different view: especially Europe. The following link is a good starting point for understanding the current debate over this art style, movement and impact.( )

My point is that this art form advocated art created for people by people and for the sole purpose of both of their satisfaction. Many people confuse this art movement as a condemnation of capitalism because of the emphasis on manual labor and subsequent labor movements. Many artist, in fact, were part of socialist movements especially in England where authors John Ruskin and William Morris (1834 - 1896) were first discussing this issue. Others call the Arts and Crafts movement democratic and even populist in nature for many reasons. I'll leave it up to you to study the different theories as to why this movement has consistently been pigeon-holed into various political categories but what I can say is that what the theories all have in common is that this idea, art movement inspired people in one way or another.

Traditional television programs have become mundane to many people and the spirit of the Arts and Crafts movement has inspired a new medium for the individual to bridge the disconnect between the television show or the programing and the user. The web has long been considered a new art medium but a location, like YouTube, where millions of individuals can gather and share their own ideas and in a format traditionally nestled in a corporate world, is a different matter all together. When a person watches television it is a passive event. The viewer can only tacitly respond by changing the channel or calling the station to complain. When a person views a channel on YouTube the viewer has alternatives. The interaction between artist, blogger, etc is turning out to be very attractive to people. In the same way that people responded to their feeling of disconnection a little more than a century ago, people are responding to a disconnect they feel from the latest digital revolution.

Home computers and amazing software is allowing people to craft their own digital ideas. Likewise, traditional forms of participating in elections has become mundane and individuals are responding. The commercials we were forced to watch on election season are not the commercials people necessarily want to view.

For example recently, an individual created an ad, but not in the tradition of the Arts and Crafts movement which emphasises high-quality craftsmanship and honest labor. This add was aimed at Hillary Clinton and was meant to promote Barack Obama. The artist did not give any credit to the original artist who created the commercial for Apple computers. Here is the link in case you have not seen this add yet It was released under the name "ParkRidge47" an anonymous signature and latter it was discovered that it was an individual named Phil de Vellis. Mr. de Vellis, in interviews, attempts to compare himself with our countries forefathers in this next link.

I understand using the work of another person, like a song, to make a point but not giving credit where credit is due is just rude. I recently created a tribute to our Vets and used a song that I did not create. Nevertheless, at the very least, I gave credit to the creators of the song and used a disclaimer so that the band would not feel obligated to my views. (here is the link to where I first uploaded the Veteran Tribute
The fact remains that the anti-Hillary commercial received a lot of attention but I think that it was more because people still like to see a good fight. Like any art movement not all the work on the web is of the highest quality.

Nevertheless, the point is that this is a new phase in the evolution of the relationship of art and democracy and as time goes on the presentations will become better, but it's not going away. YouTubers should give credit to the artist and the hard work others created but it should not be seen as a place where people rip off the legitimate media.

Humans are visual learners and allowing people to craft ideas and interact on a world wide stage is healthy for any emerging planet. YouTube is just one of the many places on the web where a person can use audio and visual mediums to express themselves but it is also one of the most user friendly. Like anywhere, there is content on YouTube that is questionable, at best, like anything that can be found on basic cable broadcasting. Nevertheless, political candidates and voters have a new arena to work out issues. Where traditional sources of news are limited by time, Youtube frees the candidate to flush out their strategies, ideas or platforms. These sites gives voters a closer look and the ability to respond with either the traditional word (posted comments) or a person can use a visual response. It helps a voter become informed if they can take their time and absorb information at their own pace.

Long ago the chalk board revolutionized the classroom for teachers by allowing them to use visuals to augment their lessons. Similarly websites like YouTube, Myspace, etc. are giving individuals that added edge needed to communicate their ideas. Broadcasting their concepts, in their own formats, for reasons only known to the artist. This is giving the individual the ability to counteract, for example, the seasonal mundane and obvious political commercials that are forced on the television viewers. People are no longer locked into the time constraints of television. That translates into the political world because the traditional forms of communicating (television, newspapers, magazine and official web pages), usually unattainable to most of us because of cost, time, skills, etc all have to, now, compete with everyone and anyone around the world for, your, attention. A person can now make their own commercial and possibly change the direction of an election. A candidate can answer questions, explain complicated issues. A voter can respond to a visual add with a visual response. An add placed on television gets more exposure but a counter add has at least a place to exist without having to pay for and create an entire website dedicated to an issue.

CNN dedicates time announcing the channels and web pages that get the most attention. In fact most news stations are reporting what is happening on the web but especially sites where intensive interaction is occurring around a particular hot issue. The candidates know these important facts about the sites like YouTube and are responding to this new pressure. So don't be left out of the debate. Many people are posting ideas that just might help you make a better and informed decision about issues from A to Z.

Take a look at the art work that many people, including myself, created and entered into a contest hosted by TurboTax. (follow the link below) People from coast to cost are united in a contest. I find that fact to be incredible because before the web and places like YouTube people had to travel from one place or the other to compete. This is a new step for the Arts and Crafts movement. What should it be named?

It is free so sign up so don't be nervous about that. Please visit to learn about the candidates
or to view the other work I have created.

Thank You,

Rafael Buelna

© April 2, 2007 EU and US all rights reserved. Posted in accordance with Title 17, US Code, for noncommercial, educational purposes.

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